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Animal Magnet


Told from numerous and at times oblique perspectives, while employing various literary forms and styles, ANIMAL MAGNET probes the notion of humanness, human identity, and humanity. Spanning centuries and continents, the story jumps generationally if erratically down the family tree, beginning in 18th century Hungary with the forbidden love affair of manor tutor Péter Montgolfier and lunatic scullery maid Theresa Seyfert, and ending more than two centuries years later in a futuristic L.A. with controversial performance artist Vic Ray.


Best of All Possible Worlds


Join Gary Anderson upon the high seas on another epic journey with Jacques the Anabaptist in the satiric spirit of Voltaire's "Candide." "Best of All Possible Worlds" begins with the return of Candide to find his beloved tutor, Pangloss, destitute and abandoned on the streets of Leyden, South Holland. The story follows two brothers, Jakob and Robrecht Onderdonk, leading antithetical lives. Jakob is on a quest to abandon his life as a sailor for a more edifying life on land. In contrast, Robrecht is determined to fully embrace a sinful life at sea. Like Candide, "Best of All Possible Worlds" explores, with a comic air of irreverance and a witty dose of the absurd, the universal problem of evil in a world created by a perfect God.

The Gwousz Affair


Animal Farm catches The Big Sleep in bed with Blade Runner.

Now available  on Crime Wave Press.

What people are saying . . .

". . . Cornelius Planke makes the perfect "gumshoe"...dry, sarcastic, slightly unlikable yet sympathetic, and a bit of a loser. The story, of course, mostly revolves around him."

G. on Amazon

"This is a book that is tough to define but is full of surprises and creates a futuristic world that is worthy of a Hugo Award nomination."

Vincent Ponka on Amazon

". . . this is a deeply weird (and I mean that in a good way), funny and overall entertaining novel. Oh, yeah, and it makes you think too (and I don't mean that in a bad way). "

David Deeds on Amazon

"Anderson does an admirable job of deftly bringing together all the elements of this bizarre world he dreamed up and making it all credible and acceptable (yes, even the inter-species sex), through an undertone of tongue-in-cheek . . ."

Camcoop on Amazon

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